DR UMAR AZAM'S ISLAMIC MIRACLES SITE Welcome to this Site, which was established on Tuesday 7 July 2015, in the Holy Month of Ramadan 1436 A.H. A miracle may be defined as "the voice of any creature proclaiming the Name of Allah سبحانه وتعالى" or "the Name of Allahسبحانه وتعالىor that of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمnaturally appearing on any animate or inanimate object (for example, on a leaf, stone, cow, tree, in the sky etc.)" The photographs and videos of such phenomena are presented on this Site which may be used with in conjunction with my other Sites that also publish such miracle photographs and videos:
Further You Tube videos of animals calling Allah's Name are in the 'Importance' section of this Site
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